
Ask Restless World - the UK migration experts!
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  You really want to live and work in the UK, but Brexit has caused confusion and you are just not sure anymore. Well, don't worry, Restless World is here to make all those confusing new Brexit policies easier for...
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The UK IHS fee doubled on the 8th January 2019 and you are really struggling to understand what this means and why you are asked to pay this fee. The IHS stands for Immigration Health Surcharge and its the big...
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The UKVI doesn't make it easy to apply for a UK work permit - and for good reason! It's important that each and every individual who wishes to spend some time working and living in the United Kingdom have all...
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So, you applied for a UK working visa, for example, a Youth Mobility Visa, Ancestry Visa, Settlement/Spouse Visa and you have in your hands a refusal letter issued by the UKVI Visa and Immigration department. Firstly, don't panic. The reason...
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