In July, the UK Government announced that there would be an increase in both UK visa fees and the Immigration Health Surcharge. There will be 15% to 20% increase in visa fees. Work and visit visas will increase by 15%,...
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The Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) that all UK work visa applicants must pay at the time of application submission has officially increased. In March 2020 it was announced that the IHS would increase by 56% in October 2020 and it...
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So, you're a young Aussie, New Zealander or Canadian (18-30 years old) who is interested in heading overseas to work in the UK for up to 2 years... The UK immigration process is complicated, and requires a VERY high level...
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Ask Restless World - the UK migration experts!
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The Immigration Health Surcharge will be increased from £200 to £400 a year at the end of this year The UK Home Office has announced that the Immigration Health Surcharge, also known as the IHS fee, is going to increase...
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