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BREAKING NEWS: Age increase and 3 year rule on UK Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa

You have been reading the latest news on changes to the age limit and visa extension from 2 years to 3 years for the UK Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa and you are getting excited. We are excited too!!
The age limit, nor the length of the visa have not yet been changed. This is just an announcement of one of the outcomes of the G7 meeting in June 2021, and no timeline has been promised. It will take a fair amount of work for both Governments to make this happen, such as policy drafted, agreed and it then has to go through parliament.
The information on both government websites is really clear for British citizens coming to Australia, but not the other way around, although Dan Tehan, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment has stated that the age increase etc is reciprocal in his interview with 104.7 radio station, he has also said it might take up to 5 years to implement. While we would presume that the age change applies to nationals of both countries, we need to see it clearly in writing on a government website with all conditions listed than just reported on the news.
As this has just been announced and there are still many stages for this policy change to go through to implementation, the rules on the UK Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa remain the same. If you wish to delay applying for this visa until after you turn 31, you do so at your own risk.
Furthermore, there is currently no guidance on whether or not someone with a 2 year UK Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa can extend it to three years once the new policy is in place.
Restless World will be one the first agencies to see the new updates and changes on this visa and we will keep you informed.
To stay updated on rules for the UK Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa, please see this link - Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5) - GOV.UK (