Can you apply for a visa by yourself?   Of course you can.   Many people do.  If you are happy to navigate the Gov.UK website, and feel confident that you have all the information you need to get your visa, it is very possible to apply on your own.  

The question is, do you want to?  If you do not feel confident, or simply do not want to wade through pages of information to try to work out what documentation you need to provide, we are here to help. We will ensure you get it right the first time! 

Whether your application seems straightforward or whether is might be more complicated - e.g perhaps your previous application was  refused, or you are concerned whether a criminal conviction will impact a successful application.  There will be no judgement, and we will be open and honest with you and make the strongest application on your behalf.  

We have the knowledge and experience to ensure you make a successful application.

Whatever type of application you make, a visit visa, a work visa or a settlement or spouse/partner visa, we will take you through our simple, step-by-step approach ensuring we have all the information we need to submit your UK visa application correctly the first time.   No rejections.  No worries.   

Here is what you'll get when you sign up with us:

1.  `We will complete and lodge the official UK visa application on your behalf. 

2.  Create a personalised supporting document checklist tailored to your individual circumstances.

3.  Book your biometrics appointment at a time and location that suits you. 

4.  Provide you with direct contact details for our team of Visa Experts for advice and support throughout the entire process - whenever you need it.  

5.  We also provide the following: 

  • FREE UK Sim Card on the O2 Network
  • Free international money transfers
  • Advice on how to open a UK Bank Account
  • Advice on how to apply for your National Insurance Number (NIN)
  • Advice of high protection Travel Insurance
  • Advice on how to sort your UK Tax Returns

Using our services will give you the confidence to plan your life-changing trip to the UK.    

Thank you to Rachel Hannah - unsplash for the photo.