
You have just received your approved UK Working Visa and are about to embark on your first long haul flight - What to pack for the plane? Back in the day you used to try and stuff as much as you...
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Let's first acknowledge the obvious. This is an impossible list to write, as the five best bars in any city in the world will depend on the person visiting them. BUT, whether you are adventuring through London on your Tier...
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So, you applied for a UK working visa, for example, a Youth Mobility Visa, Ancestry Visa, Settlement/Spouse Visa and you have in your hands a refusal letter issued by the UKVI Visa and Immigration department. Firstly, don't panic. The reason...
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Deciding to obtain your UK Work Visa , pack your bags and make the move to the UK is the easy part. Now, you need to decide when to arrive! What’s the best time of year to travel to the...
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