
Heading to London on a UK working holiday or currently there on a gap year? Want to check out all the highlights of London at your own pace? Then this is the walking trail for you! Follow this to the...
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So, you are already in the UK on a Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa and your having a great time and you want to stay! Unfortunately for those Australians, New Zealand and Canadians, you are unable to apply for another...
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So, you're a young Aussie, New Zealander or Canadian (18-30 years old) who is interested in heading overseas to work in the UK for up to 2 years... The UK immigration process is complicated, and requires a VERY high level...
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So, your BRP (Biometrics Residence Permit) card has been lost or stolen... What do you do? Applying for a new BRP card (or a new visa to enter the UK) is not cheap OR easy, especially if you are outside...
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